Ana SayfaSELF-CARE7 Real Tips to Prevent Hair Loss!

7 Real Tips to Prevent Hair Loss!

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! 7 ways to stop hair loss! Hair loss, which is an important part of appearance and aesthetics, can negatively affect the person both psychologically and socially. While it is considered normal to lose about 100-150 hair strands per day in a healthy individual, shedding above this number may indicate other underlying causes.

While genetic factors, skin diseases, vitamin and mineral deficiency and some diseases are among the causes of hair loss, treatment must be applied to the cause of hair loss. In addition, the application of fast and successful treatments such as PRP and mesotherapy that support hair growth also strengthens existing hair, reduces shedding and supports hair growth from hair follicles that do not grow.

1. Eat these for hair loss

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! 7 ways to stop hair loss! Eat these for hair loss

Seasonal changes, stress, unbalanced diet and some harmful habits are some of the factors that negatively affect our immune system. However, not only our body but also our hair are affected by these factors at the same rate, and hair that is carefully taken care of falls out strand by strand. However, it is possible to completely stop hair loss.

Hair can fall out while washing, combing or by itself. While it is considered normal to lose 50-100 hairs in a day, if this amount exceeds 100 strands, if there is a significant decrease in the hair, if the hair strands are getting thinner, it is necessary to consult a doctor to learn the underlying causes and apply the necessary treatment.

Because many health problems such as iron deficiency, rheumatism, thyroid diseases, zinc and biotin deficiency can lie behind hair loss. Delay in applying to the doctor causes further progression of the disease, if any, and causes hair loss to become permanent. Paying attention to habits with simple precautions that can be taken ensures healthier and bushy hair.

In addition to the external applications for thick hair, your diet is also very important. The protein needed to nourish the roots of the hair and ensure its growth can be met with beans, lentils, eggs, non-fat yogurt and cheese. Saturate your hair with protein and calcium by consuming one of 2 slices of cheese, 2 glasses of milk, 2 bowls of yogurt every day.

In addition, a daily serving (6 tablespoons of dehydrated) legumes, 150 g red meat/fish or 1 handful of almonds/peanuts stimulates the scalp with the zinc it contains, and regulates the metabolism of the cells in that area.

2. Don’t wash your hair every day

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! 7 ways to stop hair loss! Don't wash your hair every day

Do not wash your hair every day and with very hot water. Instead, wash it every other day with warm and not too pressurized water, and use a shampoo suitable for your hair type. Do not use shampoo or soap more than 2 times per wash. While shampooing, gently massage the scalp. In addition to washing, do not blow dry your hair more than once a week, do not style it with a straightener or tongs. Avoid methods such as hair dye and perm. Comb your hair daily with a sparse-toothed comb or brushes with natural bristles.

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3. Drink 2 glasses of milk every day

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! Drink 2 glasses of milk every day

Another vitamin important for healthy hair is biotin. Biotin need can be met with liver, kidney, mussel, lobster, trout once a week, chicken breast 2-3 times a week, egg yolk, legumes, cauliflower or potatoes. Rich green leafy vegetables and green beans for vitamin A that hair needs; To preserve the natural cycle of hair, consume a handful of walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids every day.

It is enough to consume one carrot a day, which protects the hair follicles and scalp, and ensures the growth, shine and durability of the hair. In addition, the inner pumpkin seeds, which meet the amount of phytoestrogen required for healthy hair, can be consumed up to 1 coffee cup every day.

4. Get vitamin supplements

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! Get vitamin supplements

Vitamins are very beneficial not only for our overall health, but also for our hair. Vitamin A triggers healthy sebum production in the scalp, Vitamin E strengthens hair follicles by providing deep hydration and helping to increase blood circulation. Vitamin B supports the formation of a healthy hair color.

Among the ways to prevent hair loss, you can consume foods rich in vitamins B12 and D, folic acid, biotin and zinc to nourish your hair follicles. If you take into account the seasonal conditions, for example, you can increase your orange consumption in this season. The anemia-reducing effect of orange, which is among the benefits, is due to its rich content of B12 and folic acid. Moreover, since orange is rich in vitamin C, it increases the body’s iron absorption and supports the fight against anemia.

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5. Avoid combing your hair when it is wet

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! Avoid combing your hair when it is wet

Hair is at its weakest when wet. Therefore, combing the hair when wet should be avoided. Because it can increase hair loss. You can use your fingers to separate the tangles.

6. Accelerate blood circulation in your scalp

In the third place of our list of ways to prevent hair loss, there is accelerating blood circulation in the scalp. When the blood flow in the capillaries feeding the hair follicles slows down, shedding may occur because the hair cannot be fed adequately. You can massage your hair to accelerate blood circulation in your scalp, and use olive oil or coconut oil during the massage. After the massage, you can wash your hair with warm water. When combing your hair, you can choose wooden combs instead of toothed combs.

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7. Apply to PRP treatment and mesotherapy treatment methods

7 real tips to prevent hair loss! How to prevent hair loss in men! How to prevent hair loss in women! Apply to PRP and mesotherapy treatment methods

PRP and mesotherapy applications applied directly to the hair follicles are among the treatment methods that have become increasingly important and popular in recent years, considering both rapid results and treatment success. In PRP treatment, the person’s own blood is taken, processed, and the plasma part rich in platelets and growth factors is separated and injected into the hair follicles of the person. In mesotherapy, ingredients rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals required for hair are injected into the hair follicles in ready-made vials.

Both treatment methods reduce hair loss by strengthening existing hair and support hair growth from non-hair follicles. It does not completely stop hair loss, but it minimizes excessive hair loss, resulting in stronger and healthier hair. Patients begin to benefit from these procedures after the third session on average. Although it varies from person to person, its effect lasts between 6 months and 1 year on average.

PRP and mesotherapy procedures can be applied to individuals over the age of 18 who experience hair loss. However, it is not applied to those who use blood thinners, those with bleeding disorders, those with infection and inflammation in the area to be treated, pregnant women, nursing mothers and cancer patients. In the application of mesotherapy, if the person is allergic to one of the ingredients in the product, or with urticaria patients, these applications should not be done.

It is recommended to have 4-6 sessions of PRP and mesotherapy treatments applied every 2-4 weeks. During the first 6 hours after the procedure, the hair should not be washed, and if swelling occurs, ice should be applied. After the procedure, sauna and steam room should not be entered for two days, and the pool and sea should be avoided for a while due to the risk of infection.

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