Ana SayfaRELATIONSHIPS9 Different Types of Relationships!

9 Different Types of Relationships!

9 different types of relationships! Need to know your relationship type? Learn about the 9 different types of relationships. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify the nature of your relationship, especially if you’re in the early stages of dating. But understanding the type of relationship you have is crucial for your emotional wellbeing and happiness. In this article, we’ll explore 9 different types of relationships to help you figure out what type of relationship you’re in. Here are the types of relationships that you may have encountered at some point in your life or may encounter in the future.

1. Dependent relationship

If you and your partner don’t feel safe when you’re away from each other, you may be in a dependent relationship. Feeling depressed when your lover is not around, being anxious, or not wanting to participate in an activity without your partner are the characteristics of an addicted relationship. Although such a relationship may seem good at first, it can become tiring over time. You may think that there is a serious problem, especially when you start canceling your plans that your lover will not be able to attend.

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2. Independent relationship

For you, you can have an independent relationship if the relationship is logical before love and your personality is always ahead of your relationship. In your eyes, you are the strong couple and you know very well what should not be sacrificed for the relationship. You both feel important, you know you shouldn’t give up on your career or social life. The downside to this relationship is that it’s not very passionate.

3. Dominant relationship

Sometimes, even if you don’t realize it at first, there may be someone more dominant than you. Your partner sets all the rules in your relationship, and even if you don’t want to, you may find yourself living by these rules. Often when you are with such people, you may not even realize what connects you to them. You may find yourself making your own plans the way he wants or cutting off communication with friends he doesn’t like. Another feature of this relationship is that you constantly worry about saying the wrong thing when you’re with your lover.

4. Consolation relationship

Relationships that maybe just one person, or both, start after a difficult breakup, are usually aimed at finding solace. However, it should be accepted from the beginning that such a relationship will not last very long. Starting a new relationship without facing the troubles of the old relationship can cause the old troubles to recur.

5. Forced relationship

When we’ve been alone for a long time and we meet someone who is looking for love like us, we can jump into a relationship no matter how compatible we are. We force ourselves to dress, talk, or act as he pleases. He even does the same for us. However, in this whole process, we cannot understand how different we are from each other. Our seemingly perfect relationship may actually be a compulsion. Of course, it would not be wrong to say that this relationship will not last long.

9 different types of relationships! Toxic relationship

6. Toxic relationship

The hardest type of relationship you can have is a toxic relationship that will drain you emotionally, physically and mentally. It is a relationship where your thoughts or your view of life are opposite, even though you love each other very much. This relationship, which you can never break from each other even though you are constantly hurting each other and constantly thinking about breaking up, is dangerous for both parties.

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7. Temporary relationship

Everything is fine, you have a lot of fun together, but if you avoid making future plans, you are in a temporary relationship. Getting a good deal, having a good time, or having a lot of fun doesn’t mean you can build a future together. Since you know this, you stay away from daydreaming. This can be pretty fun for a short-term relationship. However, if unilateral future plans are made, one of the parties may be very upset. In this case, you need to answer the question of whether your lover has serious intentions or is he having fun with you.

8. Perfect relationship

What we’re talking about here is the relationship that looks perfect from the outside. There is someone who is handsome, beautiful, thoughtful, romantic, suitable for marriage, and treats you well. Everyone around you says you should be with him. However, if you can’t feel that excitement, it can be a very problematic relationship in practice. It is beneficial to get away without hurting your partner.

9 different types of relationships! Open relationship

9. Open relationship

It is a type of relationship that we have started to hear frequently in recent years. Although it may not seem very attractive at first, the number of couples who prefer this type of relationship is not small. It is the type of relationship in which two people are emotionally attached to each other but can also meet with others. For an open relationship to work, emotional expectations must be low. For this reason, the end of the relationship can come quickly.

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Understanding the type of relationship you’re in is crucial for your emotional wellbeing and happiness. Whether you’re in a casual relationship or a serious one, it’s important to be aware of the dynamics of your relationship. Use these 9 different types of relationships to help you figure out what type of relationship you’re in, and remember that communication and honesty are key to any successful relationship. For more relationship tips and relationship types follow us.

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