Ana SayfaTRENDS10 Tips on Intermittent Fasting Diet

10 Tips on Intermittent Fasting Diet

10 tips on intermittent fasting diet. What is an intermittent fasting diet? How to do intermittent fasting diet? At its core, the intermittent fasting diet is a way of eating that focuses on when you eat and not necessarily what you eat. This can be beneficial for dieters seeking to manage their caloric intake and improve overall health. If you’re interested in learning more about the intermittent fasting diet, here are the 10 things you need to know.

1. What is intermittent fasting?

10 tips on intermittent fasting diet! What is an intermittent fasting diet?

Intermittent fasting, as the name suggests, is a type of nutrition program in which food can be consumed at certain times of the day, while at other times of the day there is no calorie intake and fasting. There are many different ways this diet program can be applied. The main difference of the intermittent fasting plan compared to other nutrition programs is that it focuses on when to eat rather than what to eat.

2. How to do intermittent fasting diet?

There are various programs available for intermittent fasting. Among these programs, the most suitable one for the person should be selected and the application should be started by consulting specialist physicians. Some popular intermittent fasting diet programs are as follows:

  • 16/8 Diet: In the 16/8 diet, people are fed for the remaining 8 hours, while food consumption is restricted for 16 hours a day. In this nutrition process, people can fit 2 or 3 meals with good planning. The easy way to follow the 16/8 diet is to skip breakfast and not consume anything after dinner. However, it should be noted that people who wake up hungry in the morning and feel the need to have breakfast may have difficulty in applying this method.
  • 5:2 Diet: In the 5:2 diet, individuals should limit their daily calorie consumption to around 500-600 calories 2 days a week while applying a normal eating plan for 5 days.
  • Eat Stop Eat Diet: In this diet method, for example, people can fast for 24 hours after the dinner they eat at 7 am and be fed again at dinner the next day. This full-day, meal-to-meal fasting program takes place 1-2 days a week. Not consuming food for 24 hours can be quite challenging for some people. For this reason, it is recommended that people who want to do a stop-and-eat diet should first start with 14-16 hours of fasting.
  • Warrior Diet: The warrior diet is a nutrition plan in which only raw vegetables and fruits are consumed during the day and a high amount of protein-based food is consumed in the evening meal. Therefore, while people are in a state of fasting continuously during the day, they close the day with a single meal in the evening. The foods consumed in the warrior diet, which is similar to the paleo diet in terms of the foods included in the nutrition plan, are mainly selected from unprocessed foods.
10 tips on intermittent fasting diet! How to do intermittent fasting diet?

3. What is the intermittent fasting diet list?

The way to get a high level of efficiency from any diet is through making the right choices in the foods included in the diet planning. Nutrition plans created by choosing foods with high nutrient content support people to lose weight in a healthy way. Therefore, it should be noted that while intermittent fasting is performed, enough of all food types are taken and the products consumed are selected from unprocessed foods. Some foods that can be consumed within the scope of this diet program are as follows:

  • Fruits: Fruits such as apples, bananas, mulberries, oranges, peaches, pears, apricots, tomatoes.
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, zucchini, and leafy greens.
  • Whole Grain Foods: Foods such as barley, buckwheat, quinoa, oats.
  • Healthy Fats: Other healthy fats, especially olive oil.
  • Protein Sources: Eggs, fish, red meat, poultry, legumes, seeds and nuts.

4. Can you eat everything on an intermittent fasting diet?

One of the biggest mistakes people make during intermittent fasting is to turn to behaviors like consuming processed snacks or sugary drinks at mealtimes. It should not be forgotten that intermittent fasting in this way will do more harm than good to the person.

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5. Can you drink water in intermittent fasting?

Consumption of beverages such as water or unsweetened coffee and tea during intermittent fasting is very important in terms of both controlling the hunger level and preventing dehydration.

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6. What are the times of intermittent fasting diet?

People who will practice intermittent fasting can choose a nutrition plan that includes 8 hours of daily nutrition and food restriction for the rest of the time. The most preferred 16/8 feeding times are: 7 in the morning – 3 in the afternoon, 9 in the morning – 5 in the evening, 12 in the afternoon – 8 in the evening and 2 in the afternoon – 10 in the evening.

10 tips on intermittent fasting diet! How many days is intermittent fasting done?

7. How many days is intermittent fasting done?

Intermittent fasting nutrition program can be applied at varying levels, from a few days of the week to every day of the week, according to their own metabolic characteristics.

8. What are the benefits of intermittent fasting diet?

Some changes occur in the body when food consumption is stopped. Some of these changes are as follows:

  • Insulin Level: During fasting, there is a serious decrease in blood insulin levels of people, and this decrease has a stimulating effect on fat burning in the body.
  • Growth Hormone Level: A dramatic increase in growth hormone level may occur in people during fasting times. An increase in the level of this hormone can cause changes in the body such as accelerating fat burning and increasing muscle mass.
  • Cellular Repair: During the fasting process, cellular regeneration occurs. When the removal of waste materials in the cell is added to this regeneration, the general health status can be positively affected in various aspects.
10 tips on intermittent fasting diet! Sample intermittent fasting diet list

9. How much weight can be lost with intermittent fasting diet?

Some studies on this subject have shown that a 3-8% reduction in body weight can be achieved during a diet period of 3-24 weeks. When examining how much weight loss these values correspond to weekly, it is thought that the amount of weight that can be lost with intermittent fasting is around 0.25-0.75 kg per week.

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10. Sample intermittent fasting diet list

  • When you wake up

1 cup of unsweetened filter coffee

  • 12 pm

Curd omelet made from 2 egg whites
¼ avocado
2 walnut kernels

  • 3:00-4:00 pm

1 handful of shelled peanuts
1 cup lactose-free kefir

  • 8:00 pm

1 portion of meat/chicken/minced vegetables
4 tablespoons of buckwheat
3 tablespoons of yogurt
Seasonal salad (You can add lemon, apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of olive oil to your salad)

During intermittent fasting, you can drink mineral water, herbal tea and water. This nutrition list is an exemplary nutrition program. Portions and meal times are changed according to the needs of the person. People with any metabolic disorder should not apply this program without consulting their dietitian.

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