Ana SayfaCULTURE20 Movies You Must Watch Before You Die-4

20 Movies You Must Watch Before You Die-4

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

Movies have the power to transport us to different worlds, evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact on our lives. With so many great movies out there, deciding what to watch can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled another list of 20 must-watch movies that you shouldn’t miss. From timeless classics to modern masterpieces, these films are sure to leave a lasting impression and enrich your cinematic experience.

1. North by Northwest (1959)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! North by Northwest tells the story of a man in the wrong place at the wrong time, woven with misunderstandings. After a misunderstanding, prestigious advertiser Roger Tornhill is mistaken for a spy named George Kaplan and is kidnapped and interrogated by two spies.

Although he tries to explain to his kidnappers that there is a misunderstanding, he cannot convince the spies. He is left on the edge of a cliff, and after he manages to escape, the spy Kaplan pursues his mystery. However, another misfortune strikes and he is the perpetrator of a murder he has no longer committed, so a breathtaking chase begins between him and the police and secret agencies.

2. Dancer in the Dark (2000)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,9

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! Selma Jezkova is a woman struggling to survive with her 10-year-old son in a makeshift trailer. She is about to lose her sight completely due to a genetic and hereditary disease. She knows that one day her son will also suffer from this disease due to the hereditary nature of her own disease. For this reason, she puts all the income she earns aside to have her son operated on. However, the course of life is about to push these two towards an abyss.

3. Psycho (1960)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,5

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! A rich man who does business with his boss entrusts Marion Crane with money, and then Marion sets off. The cops chase after Marion over her suspicious behavior. However, not only the cops who are after Marion, but also their acquaintances are after Marion. Planning to meet her lover, Marion decides to spend the night in a hotel.

Realizing that strange things are happening as soon as you enter the hotel, Marion has a little chat with hotel owner Norman Bates before going to sleep. Learning that Norman has personality issues and an obsession with his mother and birds, Marion decides to go to his room and take a shower.

4. Taxi Driver (1976)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,2

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! Taxi Driver tells the story of a soldier who has yet to get rid of the scars of his war in Vietnam, and refuses to adapt to the dirty and unfair world he sees by working as a taxi driver at night.

The movie has become a cult with the character Travis Bickle, played by Robert De Niro. Taxi driver Travis tries to reverse his failure in his social life with Bickle, with whom he has an obsessive passion, but does not get the response he expects. After this breaking moment, he decides to take a gun and take action, to clean the dirt of the streets; Meanwhile, he dedicates himself to rescuing a prostitute.

5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,6

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! Terminator 2: Judgment Day takes place in 2009. Having failed in their mission to kill Sarah Connor, the Synet robots produce a new robot called the T-1000. This new “Terminator” is programmed to return to the past and kill Sarah’s son, John Connar, who will become the future leader of the human resistance. However, another robot T-800 was sent to the past by being programmed to protect John. There is only one question that determines the fate of mankind: Which of the two robots will find John first?

6. Groundhog Day (1993)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! Phil Connors is a weatherman who has a reputation for being on-screen with his candid personality and playful face, but returns to his smug and arrogant personality the moment he’s off the cameras. This grumpy man is sent for Groundhog Day events to one of the rural towns of Pennsylvania, where the rural life he never liked.

Although he is disgusted with the life lived here and the humble people, he has to endure this life for one day, for his duty. But when a sudden blizzard blocks all transportation routes, Phil faces his unfortunate fate. When he wakes up the next morning, an even bigger surprise is at hand: Phil is caught in the time loop; he has to relive the day he hated over and over again!

7. Network (1976)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

The Network tells the story of Howard Beale, a long-time news anchor on the UBS Evening News. Beale’s ratings are dropping day by day, and he eventually learns from a colleague that he will be fired from his job in two weeks. The man, who fell into a deep depression when he learned this, announces live the next evening, on the live broadcast of next Tuesday, that he will commit suicide. However, after this shocking announcement, things get very complicated.

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8. Rain Man (1988)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,0

After the death of his estranged father, punk Charlie daydreams about taking advantage of the $3 million inheritance. However, his father, who left him only a 1949 Buick, left the entire fortune to his older brother Raymond, whose existence Charlie was not aware of before. An important detail is that Raymond is an autistic genius in need of care! Materialistic Charlie does not intend to give up at least part of the inheritance.

For this, he kidnaps Raymond from his clinic and takes him on a nationwide trip. Along the way, she is infuriated by her older brother’s life-threatening habits, but she is often stunned by the autistic man’s superhuman abilities in math and memory. Ultimately, he even tries to cheat by taking advantage of this rare talent in casinos in Las Vegas. Along the way, Charlie will find an opportunity to discover not only Raymond, but also a piece of his past and maybe even himself.

9. Journal d’un curé de campagne (1951)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,8

Adapted from the novel by Georges Bernanos, the film tells the story of a young priest who lives in the country and questions his own behavior and faith while dealing with the difficulties of daily life. An extremely idealistic youth, the pastor adopted the way of living like Jesus. However, when his actions in the new town he started working in are misunderstood, he begins to be ostracized by the society.

10. Sátántangó (1994)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,2

In a small devastated village in 1980s post-communist Hungary, life has virtually come to a standstill. The autumn rains have begun. That afternoon, the villagers expect a large payment, and then some are considering leaving with plans to get more than they deserve. But then they hear the speech of the charismatic Irimias, whom they thought had died two years ago, and he has come back. They, too, were frightened by the thought that Irimias would take their money in a fanciful scheme to preserve the continuity of the community.

11. The Shining (1980)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,4

Cinnet is about the metaphysical events that develop after writer Jack Torrance takes care of the Overlook Hotel, which is closed during the winter season, and moves to the hotel with his family. Jack’s young son, who has supernatural intuitions, sees that they are not alone in the hotel, they live with ghosts from the past and the future, and tries to convince his family of this. When the family is trapped in this mountain hotel due to a snowstorm, Jack is possessed by supernatural beings and slowly begins to lose his mind.

12. L.A. Confidential (1997)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,2

In Los Angeles Secrets, a leadership war begins between other criminal organizations in the city due to the vacuum created by the imprisonment of Mickey Cohen, who is considered the boss of the underworld in Los Angeles of the 50s. One night, Cohen’s men are raided and they are all killed. Among those killed is a former policeman. L.A. to investigate this incident.

The Police Department assigns three policemen. The commissioned police are very different from each other in character. Ed Exley, L.A. He is the golden boy of the Police Department. He adheres to the rules and does everything according to the law. Bud White is quick-tempered, aggressive, and uses every means to reach the truth and truth. The third and last cop is Jack Vincennes; L.A. He is a well-known and popular person who is a consultant to a television series about the Police Department.

These three people come together to investigate the case. However, the investigation reaches its conclusion very quickly. This disturbs the three policemen. They think that there is something wrong with reaching the conclusion so quickly in the investigation and they continue to investigate. And their research leads them to a very beautiful woman.

13. Reservoir Dogs (1992)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

Reservoir Dogs is about an original heist story. A team that comes together for a grand theft case consists of a group of thieves who don’t even know each other’s names. Trying to escape from the police in the atmosphere that turned into a bloodbath due to a disruption in the robbery, the team learns that there is a police spy among them, and this bloody struggle turns into a psychological war, the physical violence of which increases moment by moment.

14. American Beauty (1999)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,4

American Beauty is about the collapse and disintegration of a middle-class American family. Lester is an aging father who has failed to communicate with his daughter and his midlife-depressed wife, disgusted by his routine life. As she quits her job and tries to feel young again and starts using her time like she never did, a strange sexual tension arises between her sixteen-year-old daughter and her beautiful friend Angela. This relationship will break the already broken bond between his daughter and his wife, and will drag each family member to different fates.

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15. Amores perros (2000)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

Amores perros deals with the story of ‘intersecting lives’, one of the starting points of cinema in recent years. The film deals with the intersecting and similar stories of three people of various social status in Mexico. Young and handsome Octavio lives with his estranged older brother and aunt. Octavio, who has no job, only cares about the great love he has for his aunt. On the other hand, Daniel, who has a successful career, leaves his marriage and chooses another woman. El Chiavo, a former cucu, has a crush on a younger girl.

16. It Happened One Night (1934)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

In It Happened One Night, Ellie Andrews is on the run from her wealthy father, who is struggling to get into a relationship with her husband. During her escape, she meets an unemployed and story-seeking messenger on her way to New York. The next goals of the duo will be to reach their destination by hitchhiking.

17. Good Bye Lenin! (2003)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,7

In 1989, Alex’s mother, who lives in East Germany, suddenly falls into a coma. During his eight months in a coma, unexpected developments occur in the world political order. When Christiane, one of the most staunch defenders and active supporters of the Communist Party, wakes up eight months later, the world she lives in is very different from what she thought.

18. No Man’s Land (2001)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,9

In 1993, the bloodiest days of the Bosnian war are taking place. A group of Bosnian soldiers, who lost their way in the buffer zone between the Serbian soldiers and the Bosnians, began to use an empty trench they found as a shelter to escape the fire that was opened towards them. Only Chiki remained. Another wounded Serbian soldier will soon have to take shelter in the same trench. In order to get rid of this region, these two enemy soldiers will have to take advantage of each other.

19. Underground (1995)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

In Belgrade, the environment targeted by the communist Marko was more than achieved. Marko places his friend Blacky and his companions in an underground vault. They will manufacture weapons there. According to Marko’s idea, when the war is over and they are out, a heaven on earth will welcome everyone. When time passes and peace is declared, a lot changes on the ground. But underground, everything remains the same. Marko states that the fascist administration continues to rule with all its ruthlessness, and convinces his comrades, who produce weapons underground, that life continues with all its darkness.

20. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,7

Cecilia is an unhappy waitress who is constantly harassed by her useless husband, who works to death for little money in an economic crisis-era America of the 1930s. His only escape is the cinema, which he loves passionately. She is her favorite movie called The Purple Rose of Cairo. One day, the main character, Tom Baxter, comes down from the screen and enters real life. Moreover, he falls in love with Cecilia!

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