Ana SayfaCULTURE20 Movies You Must Watch Before You Die-3

20 Movies You Must Watch Before You Die-3

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

Movies have the power to transport us to different worlds, evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact on our lives. With so many great movies out there, deciding what to watch can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled another list of 20 must-watch movies that you shouldn’t miss. From timeless classics to modern masterpieces, these films are sure to leave a lasting impression and enrich your cinematic experience.

1. Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,7

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! In Star Wars: Emperor, the Emperor tries to dominate the universe by crushing the rebels with the help of Darth Vader. Thanks to the spy robots, they learn that the rebels’ headquarters are on the planet Hoth and they send the troops there. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Lea flee to Cloud City at the last moment. Meanwhile, Luke sets out to find Yoda and complete his Jedi training. Will our heroes unite and defeat the Emperor?

2. Shichinin no samurai (1954)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,6

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! Seven Samurai tells the story of samurai trying to protect a poor village from being attacked by bandits. Witnessing Master Samurai Kambei’s bravery and sacrifice, a group of villagers constantly ask him to protect their village from bandits.

Kambei accepts this request even though he has no self-interest, and takes with him first his young samurai Katsushiro, who soon becomes his disciple, and then Kikuchiyo, who appears to be a samurai with a keen interest in the use of force, but turns out to be the son of a farmer.

Kambei, who tries to defend the village by adding a new samurai, is greeted with excitement by the villagers, gaining everyone’s love; After a while, he begins to teach them to defend themselves. Meanwhile, the bandits are roaming the borders of the village, waiting for an opportune time for their next attack…

3. Stalker (1979)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,1

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! In Stalker, we are in a distant future, in a completely different way of life, in a country without a name. As a giant meteorite that fell to Earth destroyed life, a mysterious new region called the Zone was formed.

There are rumors that the passions of people who can enter this region will come true. The ‘power’ that lives within is a being with a power that cannot be imagined by the human mind. Only brave Stalkers who have reached the necessary maturity can enter the Zone area, which is guarded by the soldiers, and they accompany the people who enter the area.

4. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,3

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! In the story set in Oregon in 1850, we witness the story of Adam, who lives with his 6 brothers in a forested area. The time has come for the man to marry and for this purpose he goes to the city center.

On the same day, he meets a woman named Milly and they decide to get married. When they return to the town where he lives, taking Milly with him, Milly encounters an unexpected surprise. The man lives in the same cabin with his six siblings. Milly is determined to bring order to the family soon…

5. Orphée (1950)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,9

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time! The setting of the film, which can be considered as a variation of Orpheus, known as a mythological legend, is Paris in the recent past. Orpheus is a very famous poet and lives in Café des Poètes, known as the poets’ cafe. Meanwhile, a princess enters the cafe with another drunk poet, Cégéste.

Cégéste starts to become aggressive under the influence of the drink and tries to start a fight. He somehow manages to escape while the police try to take him into custody. This time, however, he suffers an accident and Cégéste dies. The princess takes him in her car by saying ‘I’m taking him to the hospital’ and takes Orpheus with him. Orpheus realizes that the princess did not take them to the hospital. They go to the castle and Orpheus witnesses an incredible event there.

6. Amelie (2001)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

This French comedy invites us to meet a young and special woman; to the story of Amelie, who is always full of life, witnesses life with loving eyes and carries her special sparkle with her in every moment… Amelie, who lost her parents, is dedicated to repairing the lives of others and making them happy; she is making this dedication to make the lives of people who are unaware of this situation easier. But will Amelie, who strives for the happiness of others, start to strive for her own happiness as soon as she realizes her loneliness?

7. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,6

In Saving Private Ryan, a woman mother of four is badly injured after her three sons lost in World War II. Now his only wish is for his only surviving son to return safely from the war. Their pleas are answered, and on an order from the President, James Ryan will be able to survive this war at all costs.

On the day of the Normandy landing, a unit of eight soldiers is assigned to a different mission, to rescue Ryan. However, this unit, led by Captain John Miller, will embark on a true struggle for survival in this challenging environment where the life market is experienced; He will question the legitimacy of risking the lives of eight people to save one man.

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8. Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,9

The movie is the first part of a trilogy. It examines how a woman, a musician, who lost her husband and child, copes with this reality. Julie delivers both her husband and daughter to death in an accident. Julie has two options left. Either living with the shadows of the past or building a new life in the present to shape the future.

She chooses to hold on to life and create new life. However, freedom is not an easy concept. It is not easy to be completely free from painful memories, by moving away from the past. The path will undoubtedly be difficult and arduous. He will have to face many things.

9. Mononoke-hime (1997)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

Princess Mononoke recounts the adventures of Ashitaka. Ashitaka, who continues his life in peace, one day realizes an evil coming from the forest. The God of the Forest continues on his way with all his uncompromising and unlimited power, destroying every being he comes into contact with. Ashitaka, who tries to stand up to the Forest God to save a little girl, is cursed.

In order to get rid of this curse, he must find the ‘Spirit of the Forest’, the only being that can help him. However, the journey he will embark on for this quest is not so eerie or dangerous. As Ashitaka faces his own fears, he will observe that everyone is hurt in this struggle called war.

10. Full Metal Jacket (1987)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

In Full Metal Jacket, a group of recruits stand in front of their base, unaware of what training awaits them and what kind of job they’re getting into. They will not have to go to war to realize the seriousness of the concepts of military and warfare.

11. Gladiator (2000)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,5

The fact that his father cherishes this stranger named Maximus instead of favoring him also disturbs Commodus, the real heir to the throne. Commodus doesn’t wait long to issue his orders for Maximus and his family to be killed. Having barely escaped death, Maximus is now sent to the arena to be trained as a gladiator. Maximus has only one wish in mind, to kill Commodus and avenge his family as soon as possible. Ridley Scott’s award-winning film made quite a name for itself in the year it was released, both with its great success at the box office and with the Oscars it received.

12. Ikiru (1952)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

Living is about a man who learns he has cancer and questions the meaning of his life. Kanji Watanabe is an ordinary man who has been working at the same boring job for years and has no expectations for his life. He has a son and a stepdaughter who seems to care about him. His wife left this world. After a while, Kanji learns that he has cancer. This is a fresh innovation in his life, where nothing has changed for a long time. Kanji will begin to question what his life means to him, which he has never questioned before.

13. Being There (1979)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,0

Chance grew up as a gardener in the house of the old man he lived with for as long as he could remember, and he never went out on the street once in his life. Chance, whose whole life consists of the flowers he cares for in the garden and the television, is left in the middle when the old man dies one day. The house will now be sold. With no proof that he’s alive outside of his own existence, Chance can’t get the lawyers to admit that he’s been with the old man for years.

He doesn’t even have a birth certificate. When he suddenly finds himself on the streets, he meets the routines of life that he has not seen and known for years. For the first time, she walks the streets, gets in the car… And suddenly she turns in a place she never expected luck.

14. Edward Scissorhands (1990)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,9

The inventor, who laid Edward Scissorhands, died before he could fully finish his work and had to leave Edward with his hands made of scissors. The teenager, who leads a reclusive life, begins to mix into society when Peg Boggs takes him home. But this meeting, which contains some surprises, is also pregnant with sad events…

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15. Idi i smotri (1985)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,4

In Idi i smotri we are in a small German-occupied Belarusian town during one of the darkest periods of the Second World War. As the Nazis raze entire Jewish villages and ruthlessly slaughter the indigenous population, 13-year-old Florya leaves all she has, her mother, and joins the forces of the Soviet partisans. When the partisans go to fight against the Germans, little Florya befriends a girl named Glascha. During this lovely friendship, Florya witnesses the disappearance of her own village, step by step. As the war once again proves its brutality and reveals how cheap human life is, innocent civilians are once again on the losing side for nothing.

16. La double vie de Véronique (1991)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 7,7

Veronika lives in Poland, Veronique lives in Paris. These two people, who do not even know about each other, will somehow affect each other’s lives. Veronika enters a music school and studies hard. However, she dies while giving her first performance. Veronique’s life starts to change after this point and she suddenly decides not to be a singer.

17. A Matter of Life and Death (1946)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,0

Pilot Peter Carter, II. While returning from a bombardment in World War II, the plane he used goes out of control and crashes. Unable to open his parachute, the pilot gets lost in the fog. When he comes to himself, he is on that fine line between life and death. Things get messy upstairs and Carter gets a second chance when he should have gone to the other world. He has a chance to return from Purgatory to the world and the woman he fell in love with.

18. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,2

In Kill Bill: Volume 1, a female death gang with different extraordinary abilities took an active role in various major assassinations. Formerly nicknamed the ‘black mamba’ who left the gang led by Bill, ‘The Bride’ has good reasons to take revenge on her former teammates and Bill. The bride, who wakes up numb in a car, remembers what was done to her on the wedding day. Now it’s her turn to carry out a major revenge plan against this death gang that has done her great harm.

19. The Sixth Sense (1999)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,2

In The Sixth Sense, psychiatrist Crowe, who has been away from his profession for many years, still carries vivid memories of a terrible experience in his past. Crowe suffered a heavy attack years ago and was in danger of death. This man, who is now the doctor of a small child, Cole, will become close with Cole over time, witnessing a secret that the little boy has not been able to share with anyone before. This little boy’s secret will lead to a breaking point that will take the lives of both him and Doctor Crowe by storm.

20. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

20 movies you must watch before you die! 20 must watch movies to see before you die! The 20 best movies of all time! Must watch movies of all time!

IMDb: 8,3

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, a group of primates fight over food in a deserted area. Their fight is interrupted by a mysterious black stone that suddenly appears next to them. This suddenly-appearing stone has the power to enable primates to use tools for the first time. And thus, the use of reason, one of the most important steps of evolution, began, and the dawn of humans came.

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